My most recent voice narration job offer came from author James Nugent of Eld Inlet Services. When I read the title of the manuscript, "The Catholic Way of Dying," I immediately felt honored to be offered an assignment that covered a very sensitive topic… death.
I humbly accepted the assignment. The author gave very few directions. In fact, his primary direction was, “Pray!” Well, that was an easy order because I always pray before starting an assignment, especially an assignment as precious as this one. The other direction the author gave me was, “Just be you.”
I read through the manuscript three times to get a feel for the proper delivery. A topic such as this deserves almost perfection in tempo, pitch, and inflections in order to deliver the message correctly.
After reading the manuscript, I was left with a feeling of contentment about the subject of dying. The fear of dying went away. In fact, living with the thought of death being a part of life encouraged me to live a good life now; to enjoy life to the fullest; to live in the moment; to enjoy every thing and everyone in my life. This audiobook is, in a way, a gift of life.
The Catholic Way of Dying
We all die. It is a fact of life. In living a good life, we need to also plan and be prepared for what happens when we die. Catholics have a unique way of looking at death and living with death.
Everyone dies at one point or another. No one escapes death. The audiobook, The Catholic Way of Dying, was narrated and produced to help everyone understand how to live life without the fear of dying.
Publisher’s Summary
For modern culture that does not highly value life, it is paradoxical that we don’t want to talk about the dying process or the possibility of an afterlife. Catholics sometimes suffer from the same hesitation about talking about death. Yet the Roman Catholic religion and culture are constant preparation for that moment when we must trust Jesus for our salvation. All the rituals and sacraments, prepare our minds and hearts for that thing from which there is no escape. --James Nugent, Author